Sometimes I’m slow on the uptake.. Okay, insert your own gag here.
When I’m sold something that turns out to be craptacular, it takes me a while to work out what just happened. Something to do with believing in the good within people maybe, fairness is the norm, living with your guard up all the time is tiring, naivety is attractive, etc.
The previous owner lost the key to the stables. A loop of rope has served for the past few weeks but a new lock was the answer so off to the hardware shop.
Seemed a bit pricey at 29 euros but he’s a nice man, nearby, and with a usefull array of stock so go on then.
What’s in the box is in the photo.
What isn’t in the box are:
A keeper for the frame side of the lock, without which this can’t function as a lock.
Any screws to attach either piece would be nice.
Four tacks for the key hole embellisher plate if it were made in China no doubt would be in there too.
So I mull on this for a couple of days before deciding, it’s not good enough and take it back. He checks twice what I’m after - ‘Ah, yes, the other side. I see, yes.’ (So it isn’t missing, it was never there.) ‘I’ll have a look in my store, I may have one.’
Returns a few minutes later ‘Sorry, I do not have but I can make you one.’ Slightly stunned, I follow him next door to a workshop where he cuts me a piece of box section steel, large enough to accept the lock’s tongue and as it’s red hot and he’s got gloves on, offers to carry it to the van.
Great customer service but am I missing something? I worked it out - the lock is the sixth most expensive single item behind this door but to make it fit and work is taking two people; trips, time, thinking and fabrication. I just hope it doesn’t get nicked.
Example two, Fosse lids.
As delivered the tank came with screw on plastic covers for the compartments. Because of ground levels these were replaced with extension collars and capped with biscuit thin cement discs.
“Don’t let anyone stand on these. They will crack and the person could fall through into the tank full of shit. This is very dangerouse.” I was told.
I’ll say it is.
So what’s the thinking here - the standard covers protect herons, otters and possibly a young beaver from a trip into the merde but humans, well, they should know better?
Apparently if we want people to stand on them then thicker covers are available which are reinforced but very expensive.
Fortunately, after sage words of cautionary advice from cousin Steve, I’m all over this health and safety malarkey:
Applied using permanent marker pen.