This is a busy corner under the bathroom floor. I hope it doesn’t need attention in future when I’ll have forgotten what everything does. Anyway, to the title of this piece, and toilet habits, don’t worry I’ll keep it clean.
After using a toilet I flush, step to the basin and wash my hands like a good boy. Warm water takes time to reach the tap so I let it run for a few seconds then wash them.
Applying lean thinking, if I plumb the cistern to take the ‘hot’ water (it probably isn’t because it’s been sat in the pipes) then by the time I get the basin tap on, it will be warm to use more quickly. Less water used overall and any hot reaching the cistern will warm the room so it isn’t wasting energy. Much.
It’s an experiment. Might keep the loo cleaner too.
Shutters are a mixed bag of three different designs across the five house windows. Bedroom 1 and bathroom are the same construction and in the worst condition with rot and loose mechanisms. Options were considered and discussed with Colin, the builder who lives in St Fraigne and we agreed on - patch them up with filler and hope to get a couple more years before replacement becomes the only option.
Nice forged hinges though, they’ll survive again.
Apart from that, wallpaper stripping and nothing worth photographing there. It’s slow going because I keep finding more offensive wiring so have to stop stripping to re-route it, or rip it out.
As a hangover cure Adam and I tried - loading straw and manure into a horse box for an hour.
It didn’t cure anything but we did get the first bit of barn tidied up.