Found the bathroom floor’s slope to be too challenging for the pitch built into the shower tray so we needed to level the base to make sure it will drain. Another screed to go off. The tray is warped too so that’s not helping but we’re committed to the dimensions so lot’s of improvisation being applied.
A generous Easter present from Adam and Jo of some petrol and two stroke oil meant we could fire up the strimmer for the first time. Sounds great and now nothing below significant tree size is safe. Didn’t finish the job though, saving that for when there are fewer more pressing tasks and Easter Sunday deserved some peace.
Lots of learning about the roof tile system and how it interlocks and fixes with no manual to consult. Seemed easy, then not so, then got easier again and quicker then we hit the edges of the old neighbouring barns and pretty much came to a halt. Every tile needs a trim or cutting into the building and then sealing with mix, making progress very slow indeed. When we took off the old roof we discovered that the timber work ends a couple of feet before the top, where it’s all stone wall with nothing to nail to.
More improvisation and another couple of days should have it done and us back indoors but we’re going to break off, go back to Bouchet and out of the sun for a day. Worst bit is probably the stink pipe’s close proximity up there.
Tested. Works fine, no leaks.