Managed to load the van with decheterie junk and set out at a time when all local decheteries were closed. - A personal best fail.
Junk had a nice trip out for a couple of hours though. Stopped in Aigre for shopping, croissants, coffee and WiFi. Said ‘bonjour’ to the small but expanding range of locals with whom we’re becoming a familiar sight and made it back in time for lunch at home. Junk was happy.
It has been a long time coming but this day had to arrive. (Bit dramatic) the last, unaccessed cobweb city high above the staircase needed removing, then filler and fresh paint. How? - has been puzzling for a while but ladder and planks were the simple answer.
As a long time bungalow dweller, this isn’t a familiar problem so was winging it a bit and the first walk out over the drop was a nervy two hands on the walls job but two hours later was walking backwards holding roller in one hand and tray in the other without thinking about it. -Probably a good thing but the psychology is interesting.
John has been patiently and methodically tackling the first set of window surround and shutter combo, issues. Full range of paint-prep and application skills on display combined with bucket loads of patience. Awesome.
As always - having someone else working away separately is very encouraging for both - seeing each other’s progress and encouraging remarks, go a long way to sustaining the effort and gaining satisfaction. Great fun, plus J’s ipod is delivering “Forever F.M.” hits all day.
Another side benefit is that the ex-dog house has never smelt better, now we’re using it to dry paint.