With the end in sight, thoughts of what’s left to do are starting to dominate.‘Not that much’ is the straight answer, which seems very odd to write.
Plenty of finishing off bits here and there for me to fiddle with on my own, the outside to paint (say it quickly) - but John and I have a plan for that, and the windows to sort but the Jeeves/Slater Massive are generously taking those on.
So the pressure’s lifting off and the pleasure of what we’ve achieved dawning as I look around. The other nice thing is being able to take more time over some jobs - the painting standards have risen, timber work getting more care and vacuuming up taking more time each day. -Two bags through the Hoover yesterday.
Metal shutters from T’s bedroom are off for painting and we’re reminded that they were being held closed with an old shoe lace. The snapped off metal clasp needs some clever fabrication and welding so it’s off to Colin’s workshop for some expert attention.
Stair lights installed with a bit of guesswork and look okay but decisions to be made on sitting room lighting. - Consultations on final fix stuff begin on Jeudi with Ange’s return to supervise.
John has given the big stove a full strip down, re-paint and service. It looks like new:
Ceiling and walls painted in the living room and the floor sanded and re-sealed with goo so all looking crisp and ready for inspection. Stripping paper in the corner pulled off quite a big area of plaster so Carl is booked to return and reface it some time. Before then it will be part hidden behind the sofa but a large picture or two may also be in order.
Hirondelles have had a baby.
We found an egg shell split in two in the wheelbarrow two days ago, then when spraying stove parts underneath the nest, meek cheeps were heard through the fumes. Seems junior has inherited some traits over complaining.
Mum and dad are flying in and out constantly -I guess delivering ipads, endless new clothes and responding to cries for upgraded broadband (good luck with that here).